Corporate Governance
Executive Directors
Mr. Wang Ning (Chairperson)
Mr. Peng Wei
Mr. Liu Dong -
Non-executive Director
Mr. Li Haojun
Independent Non-executive Directors
Ms. Ge Xin
Mr. Shan Yigang
Mr. Wang Haining -
Audit Committee
Ms. Ge Xin (Chairperson)
Mr. Shan Yigang
Mr. Wang Haining -
Remuneration Committee
Mr. Wang Haining (Chairperson)
Mr. Wang Ning
Ms. Ge Xin -
Nomination Committee
Mr. Shan Yigang (Chairperson)
Mr. Wang Ning
Mr. Wang Haining
Thirteenth Amended and Restated Memorandum and Articles of Association
Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee
Terms of Reference of the Remuneration Committee
Terms of Reference of the Nomination Committee
List of Directors and Their Roles and Functions
Procedures for Shareholders to Propose a Person for Election as a Director of the Company